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Links from the American Dental Association

DryMouth.Info provides information about:

(1) What Causes Dry Mouth,

(2) What happens when your mouth feels dry,

(3) How you diagnose dry mouth conditions and

(4) What are some treatments for drymouth.


Inflammation & Medical Consequences 
This link contains recent research concerning inflammation and its connection to other medical consequences. It defines periodontal inflammation and explains its effects on the body.

Links from The American Academy of Periodontology :

Frequently Asked Questions
This link contains “œFrequently Asked Questions”covering general periodontal questions, periodontal procedures, and how periodontal disease affects general health.

Women & Periodontal Disease
This link contains information to help women avoid periodontal (gum) disease and protect their oral health.


Knight's Dental
2575 Snapfinger Road, Suite G
Decatur, GA 30034
Phone: 770-323-0113
Fax: 770-323-2442

Office Hours

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